
Treasury Office

About us

  • The first and foremost duty of the treasury office is to excise treasury control over all departmental transactions. The treasury office is to check the various bills presented by the different departments under the district as per the rules prescribed in CTR, GFR, DFPR and CPWD manual, etc the financial rules and regulation, the guidelines and directives issued by the govt. from time to time.

The treasury officer is responsible to the collector as well as to the Account General for the proper discharge of the duties for through observance of all the prescribed rules and for the      accuracy of all initial records and vouchers, and for regularity of all transactions taking place at treasury.

  • The other various activities/ duties which are being excised in Treasury office as per the rules and the directives of the government from time to time are as follows
  • Timely preparation and submission of VDMS to the office of the Director of Accounts and treasuries government of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar within 10th day of the every following month.
  • Timely compilation and submission of monthly accounts to the AG, Government of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar within 10th day of the every following month.
  • Submission of daily Bank transaction report in Agency bank of the District to the Government everyday by 5 pm.
  • To prepare and submit monthly revenue and tax revenue details to the DC-cum-Collector as well as to the Government within 5th day of every following month.
  • Timely preparation and submission of GPF details of group C in the district to the office of the Director of Account and Treasuries, Government of Arunachal Pradesh, Itangar every month.
  • Preparation of Headwise state Government (Receipt and Payment) transaction details of the month and to submit the report to the Agency bank within 5th day of the every following month.
  • Preparation of statement of deduction of civic charge in the District and to submit the report every month to the Department of UD & Housing, Government of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar.
  • Preparation of Payment scroll alongwith the summary sheet for the month in the District and to submit the scroll to the office of the Director of Audit and pension, Government of Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Compilation and preparation of statement of NPS contribution into savings account of the monthly salaries in the District and to submit the report to the office of the Director of Accounts and Treasuries, Government of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar in scheduled time.
  • Timely preparation of monthly receipt/payment schedule for the month and to submit the report to Government.
  • Timely preparation of monthly cash accounts (Receipt and payment) accounts for the month and to submit the report to government.
  • Timely process of pension cases of various Department under district and payment thereof in time.
  • Maintain yearly Verification of security of strong room with its valuable by the DC-cum-Collector in the District and submission of report thereof to the government.
  • Timely closing of the financial year accounts as per the govt. order and submission of report to the govt. in given time period.
  • Moreover, the Treasury office is responsible for the collection and selling of the non-Judicial court stamp papers and court fees of various denominations, accounting and timely deposit of the sale proceeds, and to submit the plus minus report of the month to the govt. on or before the 15th of every following month.
  • Scheme: List of CSS and State Govt schemes as NIL
  • Institution:  NIL
  • Beneficiaries: Not applicable